Thursday, June 18, 2015

Quick Release Hood/ Bonnet

Benefits of this modification are easy and quick detachment of the bonnet without needing to re-align it when reinstalling.

***The following content is not my own.***
***It is an exact reproduction of a post on the Facebook Page, E30 Squad.***
***All credit is due to the original poster, Michael Hack***


DISCLAIMER: I am providing this DIY to be used at your own risk. This modification may have unknown effects on how your car will react in an accident.

Tools needed:
Hack Saw
10mm open ended spanner
10mm 1/4 socket and ratchet
2mm Drill bits (Multiple incase you break one)
bench vice to make it easy
10mm bolts with at least 40mm smooth shaft, or something equivalent like steel rod or dowel
OR 10mm x 40mm Clevis Pin (skip steps 4-8)
A decent File
2x2mm Rclips or 2mm split pins or something similar

STEP 1. Remove hood by removing the pin on the hood strut, then removing the 6x 6mm bolts holding hood to brackets and then disconnecting the windscreen washer hose.

STEP 2. Rotate the brackets to expose the small factory hood bracket dowels

STEP 3. Take the hacksaw and chop those dowels in half from the centre, then pull them out releasing hood brackets from the hood popping mech.

STEP 4. just double checking the diameter of the bolts, must be no smaller than 10mm to not allow to much play in the hood and brackets.

STEP 5. Insert bolt into the bracket and mark where you need to cut, 40mm length should just about do it.

STEP 6. Use the vice to hold the bolt and cut at the marked line.

STEP 7. Test fit again and mark where you want to drill the hole for the R-clip. Allow about 3-5mm from the edge in order for ease of removal.

STEP 8. Get the drill with a 2mm drill bit and start drilling a hole the whole way through the end of the bolt. A 2mm hole should suffice and a 2mm R-clip should be a good fit.

STEP 9. Test fit the bolt and R-clip with the bracket onto the hood popper. If it fits, go ahead and re-install your hood. Align it up best you can and tighten the 6 bolts, reinstall the pin for the hood strut and re-attach the windscreen washer hose.

The next time you need to remove the hood, it is as simple as removing the pin for the hood strut, removing the R-clips and slipping out the two pins and you’re done.

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